Kellie Crawford
- 2 min
Building a memorable small business brand
With a strong brand your business can weather any volatilities from your competitors or the greater market.
Kellie Crawford
- 2 min
4 things your small business can learn from the success of the McDonald's adult happy meals.
McDonald's adult happy meals have been an absolute hit. How can your small business create a similar strategy?
Kellie Crawford
- 2 min
What is brand voice and how your business can use it?
What unites Beyonce, Adele, and Lady Gaga is also what sets them apart - their voices. The same is true for your business.
Kellie Crawford
- 2 min
How I'd market Dunder Mifflin Paper Company
If Dunder Mifflin hired Violet Clover Consulting to manage their marketing strategy, I'd create something like this.
Kellie Crawford
- 1 min
The best ways to promote an award you've won
Being recognized for your outstanding work is a great feeling. Use these 3 tips to promote your accomplishment in an authentic way.
Kellie Crawford
- 2 min
Beyond marketing - How HR can use social media?
5 ways that your HR team can leverage social media.
Kellie Crawford
- 3 min
3 things your small business can learn from the M&M mascot changes.
3 things that we learned from the latest M&M marketing campaign and how you can leverage those learnings in your small business.
Kellie Crawford
- 2 min
Creating an engaging social media plan for 2022 [Free template]
Create a social media plan that works for your business
Kellie Crawford
- 3 min
5 reasons why social media adds value to your business
Word-of-mouth marketing has expanded from a face-to-face experience to include your business's mail, phone, website, and social media.